F*CK Cancer.
:) Tiffany here, owner and founder of Frae Everyday Goods.
I don't usually get personal with our business because Frae is Frae and I am me.
But, when a more intimate post is called for, I will most definitely dive in deep.
If you like swimming in the deep end, keep reading...
Prefer to splash around in the shallow end of the pool? That's absolutely ok too! However, I'd advise you to stop reading now.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and in honor of that, we've curated a collection of goods that we're calling the Courage Cup. 10% of proceeds from sales of this kit will be donated to Pack the Place in Pink (PPP).
PPP is a project organized to support breast cancer patients in Montana by providing them with financial assistance within their local communities. To date, they have provided over $650,000 to women battling breast cancer in Montana.
How did we decide to make PPP the beneficiary for our Courage Cup?
Simple answer, we asked a woman who is currently battling breast cancer which charity she would recommend we contribute to and her answer was PPP.
The woman we asked is my sister-in-law, Maddie Miller.
I don’t have a sister. When I was little, I used to dress my brother up like a girl - I even curled his hair and put makeup on him… nope, still a boy.
Lucky for me (and him), 11 years ago he married a kick ass gal and I gained the best sister in-law that anyone could ask for.
Two months ago, we shaved our heads.
Six weeks ago she invited me to take her to treatment. Ports, IV’s, drugs I can’t pronounce, some tears, some laughs.
This new chapter… it’s kind of a dark one.
But Maddie is LOVE and LIGHT and all that is BRILLIANT and BEAUTIFUL.
Her grace and bravery and indomitable spirit are inspiring - damn, this girl is a badass. But chances are, you might already know that…
You can follow along with Maddie’s journey and contribute at the following links:
Our Courage Cup is available now online or in store and includes a pink camp cup by Mountainside Designs packed with bubble gum from Simply Gum, lip balm from Poppy & Pout, a sticker by Corvidae, and a Her Campaign/Courage bar soap from Rock Creek Soaps - all custom curated by us at Frae Everyday Goods.
Because... F*CK Cancer.